DoYell has launched a new search engine which caters to web-savvy searchers by ranking results based on what is important to the search audience. At first look, DoYell seems like any other search engine. But once you see how they allow for a preview of your search query, you begin to realize what we are trying to shoot for. DoYell is a new website that offers users information in an easily accessible format. The site claims to reduce confusion over what is an organic search result and what is an advertisement. For DoYell, the priority is to return quality search results. Unlike linear engines that simply prioritize the sources that pay for prime spots, this new engine ranks according to importance to users, not the bottom line. At the heart of DoYell is a matrix of 14 distinct kinds of searchable resources, accessible by entering a search term only once. Searchers can go from web search results to news headlines to shopping and other information resources all in a single click and see what is relevant.
‘Highlight & Search’ for example is a brilliant new feature that lets users move seamlessly between different searches. By just highlighting any interesting text in a result with your mouse and clicking another information resource you get a whole new set of search results for just that text without any additional typing.For example, “Web Search” for your favourite Movie and find 1000s of results based on popularity not payola, click “Movies” and find current and classic trailers, click “Quick Look” and watch one or all of those trailers on the same page without leaving your results, click “Blogs” and see what the web community is saying, or click on “Entertainment News” and get up to the minute updates. “Highlight and Search” for example is a feature that lets users move seamlessly between different searches. By just highlighting any interesting text in a result with your mouse and clicking another information resource you get a whole new set of search results for just that text without any additional typing. But it is not all just fun DoYell is also popular for all kinds of homework and research. Projects can be jump started using the sites “Dictionary/Reference” which offers definitions, a thesaurus, encyclopaedia, almanac, atlas and more. More in depth articles are available via a click on “Wikipedia” the web’s favorite online encyclopedia. And if you need some pics to bring life to your project then just click “Images”.
DoYell really shines both in the depth and breadth of search resources easily accessible through a single search engine, and a design that reflects the growing expectation of online users for attractive, clear, pleasing and easy to use pages. While the art and science of optimization proceeds as a way to get eyeballs onto pages using conventional search engines, the next generation of search engine has appeared at:
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Doyell New Search Engine
Diposting oleh
5:15 AM
Search Engine Optimization Specialist Can Turn the Tide in your Favor
Search engine is that special source where you can optimize and even market your website. Who does not love recognition? It is the search engine optimization and marketing that brings recognition and fame to your website. Just think that if your website is well known, then you would get the business opportunities that you have been looking for. Moreover, some question may come up to your mind as to who will do this for you. It is the search engine optimization specialist who carries out the work of promoting your website on search engines and increasing its page rank. Page rank is related to the amount of hits and recognition you get in online business world.
A good search engine optimization specialist is the one who has a detailed knowledge on what methods need to be implemented and at what time. After all, he or she would be responsible for bringing traffic to your website and increasing your chances of business opportunities. There are a lot many things that a search engine optimization specialist would be carrying out for seeking better ways if doing business. First of all, an SEO specialist would take a note of what the site owner wants from him. Is it the web designing services or content development for the site or its conversion? There a lot many aspects to be handled by search engine optimization specialist.
Bidding on the keywords is another thing that Search Engine Optimization Specialist would be doing for the client. It is generally called pay per click management. PPC sees to it that the number of visitors to that particular site can be checked out. What a search engine optimization specialist would do is bid on the keywords that tend to bring traffic. The reason behind this is enhancing the availability of keyword that is being searched by visitors. As per the PPC management goes, your site should support the keyword that has the chances of giving knowledge to your visitors.
The work of the search engine optimization specialist is also to see that valuable and informative content is being placed on the site. It is the proper description of products and services that has the ability to convince clients and turn them into buyers. It is quite obvious that when you are not able to describe properly about your products and services to the clients, then you will not get the required amount of business. Well, it is the search engine optimization specialist that will help you in developing content needed by you and see to it that the content described your thoughts and ideas.
Search engine optimization specialist can be your best mate and assist you properly, if you are able to explain him or her about your requirements. All you can do is sit with him or her and explain what you want your site to look like or what type of content has to be placed or what sort of keywords would best describe about your products and services. Before hiring the services of search engine optimization specialist, you should take care that he is qualified and experienced enough to handle your work efficiently.
Diposting oleh
5:13 AM
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Simple Web Development Strategies
When developing your website, make sure that it is developed in a way that puts your company in the best light. Make sure your website takes no longer than 5-6 seconds to load. Longer load times make the visitor impatient, they will surf elsewhere. Navigation should also be easy to find and use. The last thing you want is your customers to become frustrated with your website because they can't find what they're looking for. Visitor usability and the overall loading speed are two vital elements of web development.
Your website should be visually pleasing. Include graphics and appropriate images that match the overall theme of your website. When implementing graphics, be careful. Don't overdo it with too many flashy graphics, it will hinder your loading speed and take attention away from the main purpose of your website. Having an effective website doesn't take a ton of ingenuity, go for simple and friendly.
Give a reason for people to come to your website in the first place. Provide your visitors with the best content you can. Search engines will also reward your website with lots of targeted traffic if your website has good fresh quality content. If you have the time and know-how, write the content yourself. If you need help, it's relatively easy to find someone that's willing to ghostwrite for you online.
Your website pages should all have proper titles and meta tags. Both are considered important for the search engine optimization of your website, and properly set tags will help bring more people to your sites from the engine search results.
Diposting oleh
5:10 AM
Friday, April 20, 2007
SEO Friendly Website Design
Designing is the base of search engine optimization and it plays a very big role in seo work for any site. The following steps must be considered during the design process for optimal search engine friendliness.
Here are some tips for designing an SEO friendly site:
1: Site must be user friendly and easy to navigate the inner pages and links.
2: Keep your navigation on the left side of your web pages. Our SEO experts at Vision Media explain, “Site navigation should be at the left side of the web page, so that search engine robots can easily crawl all site inner page links
3: Avoid using JavaScript, flash and frames on your web pages and navigation links. Generally search engine robots does not crawl JavaScript, flash and frames.
4: If you are using images in your site header, then try to split your image into several sections. It will help you put more keywords in alt tags here. It will also help you to save site load time.
5: Header tags are very important for SEO work, so always use header tags on your web pages. It will be great if you use the h1 tag as your web page heading and it should be kept relatively short. However, never use the h1 tag twice on one page.
Note: H1 tags should be kept in bold format and should include extra space below the heading text. This may be done in the CSS style sheet file of your website.
6: As you may have heard, “content is king” on the web, especially when it comes to seo, so the more the better. However, make sure you put the main keywords at the beginning of the page contents on all your information pages.
7: A VERY important point not considered by most web designers, is to avoid unnecessary coding in the webpage source code like and .
In our work, we have found an unusually high amount of unnecessary code though, and I guarantee that if you think your web pages do not have unnecessary code in them, you’re probably lying to yourself. This is largely due to the high number of websites built in Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive. These programs are notorious for inserting massive amounts of unnecessary code, making your web pages look very cluttered to search engine spiders. A good idea is to have one of our SEO experts examine your web pages for unnecessary code and make recommendations. They are among the best in the business. You’d be truly amazed at the impact it has on your site load time as well as your search engine rankings.
8: Lastly, try to avoid using too many tables on a web page, as overuse of tables is not good for seo purposes. A great alternative for using tables that web designers rarely consider is the use of div tags.
Diposting oleh
7:01 AM
5 Steps To Optimizing Your Website For Google And Yahoo
The mere thought of SEO is enough to send most webmasters into a flutter. A good ranking in the search engines is a sure-fire way to make money from a website, yet it is not an easy task. But while the exact ranking algorithm used by top search engines is one of the world's best kept secrets there are some basic principals you should always keep in mind:
1. Site Design
The structure of your site is important because this is how search engines see how each page relates to another. When your site is spidered, the search engine will quickly be able to judge the relevance and quality of your site from the sitemap.
Creating a good site map involves naming pages using your top keywords, while at the same time ensuring you are giving it an accurate and succinct name. Keyword spamming has penalties! Google's sitemap is a good example at
2. Optimize for your audience, not for the search engine.
Search engines prefer sites on a specific subject because specialized information is more beneficial to search engine users. So, for example, your site would have a better chance of ranking highly if it was dedicated specifically to lamp shades rather than home furnishings or lighting in general. This is because someone searching for 'lamp shade' would be better satisfied with a website full of information specifically relating to lamp shades, rather than a general home furnishings site with only a paragraph or two dedicated to lamp shades.
Many sites have been successful by focusing solely on providing a website that meets the needs of their audience, rather than the needs of the search engines. If possible, survey your users to find out what they want out of the site and if they have any suggestions. The more you know about your audience, the better the design you'll be able to create. Make it easy for visitors to interact on the site and for you to answer their questions too.
3. Label your internal text links and image alt tags
Why? The main reason is that search engine spiders can't read images. Anything without text means nothing to the spider. Other benefits of labeling images include the ability for the image to be searchable in browsers such as Google Image search. Image text also enables visibly impaired visitors to use your site more effectively and it helps to generally improve the text content of your page for search purposes. An image label is just a clear description of the image using keywords. Just don't include too many keywords in the alt text as there are penalties for keyword stuffing!
4. Update your site regularly
Your site ranking will be enhanced if the search engine spiders can see it is being updated frequently. Aim to add new content at least once a week to create a living site. The more frequently Google has to come back to respider your site, the better you will rank. Pages that don't change will eventually be downgraded in favor of sites whose pages are fresher.
5. Link to Subject-related sites
Good quality backlinks are vital to SEO as these tell the search engine spiders that the site is popular and/or important. Backlinks are links that are directed to your website from another site. Thus, linking to relevant sites is a great way to increase your search engine ranking. If you can, try to implement circular linking, where the sites you link to also link to each other and back to you again. For example, you link to Site A and Site B, who both link back to you and also link to each other. The more clusters of links you can get like this, the more relevant your site will be deemed to be.
Did you realize that broken links can actually harm your search engine optimization? If you set up a link, and your linking partner pulls that link in 6 months time, your ranking could reduce. Thus it is critical to check your links regularly to ensure that you are being linked back to.
Search engine optimization is not something that can be done once and then left alone. It requires constant effort and attention. The best way to keep up to date with new SEO developments is to continue read commentary and recent articles by SEO experts.
In general, remember that the top websites are always the ones people want to use, such as the BBC, eBay, Apple, and NASA. If your main priority is creating the best website for your users, then you are on the right track.

Diposting oleh
6:59 AM
SEO: Self-taught And Loving It
Many online businesses like to work with a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm that guarantees placement in search engine rankings. At first blush, this sounds like a great idea. After all, who doesn't want to be at the top of the search engine rankings? If a company can guarantee to get you there, why not use them?
While there may be SEO firms that have your best interest in mind there are an equal number that simply do whatever they have to do to get your site in the number one position. Sometimes the methods used are not well accepted and the results are generally temporary.
The reason this is often the case is that the SEO firm uses keywords or phrases that may get you a top ranking, but only because the keywords or phrases they chose were little used and might not even coincide with anything your site is designed to sell.
In many cases your website will be stuffed with keywords and phrases that have little relevancy to what your site was designed for. In the end, many businesses have ventured away from SEO firms and have worked to learn the skills of SEO on their own.
Simply put, it is much easier, and is more practical long-term to learn the skills of SEO on your own. You can utilize sites designed to help determine keywords that may actually be useful to you while avoiding (or minimizing) terms that are overused. The development of the website should be about long-term results so the use of tools that only serve to temporarily prop up your website may not be in your best interest.
Website owners also need to understand that the process of gaining a higher ranking is a long-term goal. By consistently optimizing your site for a search engine keyword or phrase you not only keep a focal point to your website, but allow the search engines to view you as a credible, trusted website that deserves a higher ranking.
There are plenty of online resources that can help you become an expert in the art of SEO techniques. You may likely see greater long-term results by simply learning all you can about SEO and developing a plan that you can feel comfortable implementing.
If you have trouble finding the time, you might have an associate willing to learn the skills to improve the overall performance of your online business.
Diposting oleh
6:56 AM
Friday, April 13, 2007
SEO Jobs - A New Freelance Writing Opportunity
SEO jobs are one of the most popular forms of freelance jobs on the internet, those are an excellent way of making an income as a freelancer, there is a lot of demand for SEO work and if you can produce results, you will get paid very well. For those people who like puzzles, freelance SEO jobs, is a great option.
SEO jobs has its roots since the beginning of the Internet, when marketers realized that they were able to manipulate search engine rankings with keywords and meaningless content, a whirlwind of keyword stuffed all the web pages displayed across the internet.
All marketers want to push their web pages and their products to the top of the search engine results in order to get traffic and potential customers. SEO jobs have become very important, because this way, companies increase their traffic and their profits.
Years ago, people could find web pages with only a few paragraphs with large blank areas in the web page, but if you highlighted these blank spaces with your cursor, then you could see a massive strings of invisible keywords. Search Engine Optimization writers used these invisible keywords in text, to rank the web pages to the top of the search engine listings.
Today search engine programmers, have refined their search algorithms to ignore those keyword stuffing. With this great change, the search engines rank web pages with more relevant content, without stuffed keywords.
If you want to find SEO jobs, then you need to have certain skills like: 1.- You should use only one search term or two for each page. 2.- You need to use a natural and unique language in search terms. 3.- And the last skill that SEO jobs requires is to Integrate all the search terms very smoothly in the text. If you have these skills, then SEO jobs are for you.
Claim your Free Report on How to make Passive Income Online and Learn how to find the Best Paying Freelance jobs in Just Minutes step by step, you will be shocked when you discover how 99% of people are getting it Wrong when it comes to Making Money Online, Download your Freelance Secrets Report
You can Also check my Blog at articles on freelance jobs online
Maria Luisa Ayuso
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Diposting oleh
6:33 AM
Why Most Money Making Opportunities Fail Most People
I know you have seen a lot of "secrets" advertised that promise overnight riches. I saw one ad that said something like "Earn $10,000 a month. Start earning in 15 minutes".
On the surface, this advertisement is a fraud and implies that you should start making 10,000 a month starting in 15 minutes. Of course, this never happens and is not even a possibility. The average person, and even those well above average, would be far better off to invest the $97 in the lottery.
At least with the lottery there is a chance you can get rich overnight. With the guru products you don't stand any chance at all and here is why.
In order for the Guru types to sell you anything, they must first detatch you from your rational thought. They do this by turning your attention to how much money they make, and how much you will make after you buy their product.
They fill you full of dreams and hopes, and promise you the world for a single click of your mouse. They scare you into believeing the secret will disappear tomorrow so you will buy their garbage now. They know that if you think rationally about the purchase, you will not buy their product.
They are able to convince a lot of people to buy their garbage products and systems that contain no more information than is available for free if you look for it.
Any program that uses these techniques for making the sale are doomed to failure. They set false expectations that can never be met, so they cannot produce anything but failure.
If a product sales page sets unreasonable expectations for success, you should click away from the page as soon as your little finger can click that button. A general, catchal money making system will do nothing but waste your time.
If a book offers you something specific, such as tips and tricks for search engine optimization, check out the ranking of the site. If the ranking is off the world and you can't find the site, you can bet the book is practically worthless and contains nothing but the same old stuff you see for free everywhere else.
Do yourself a favor and get set up for success by getting yourself a 100 page website built and operational. Once you have done the prerequisite work to succeed, you can find specialty products that can help you better develop the specific parts of your money making venture.
Maybe an SEO book if your rankings aren't that good. Or a book on Adsense if you need to improve your CTR or the amount you get per click. Many of the tips you find in these books will help an existing business improve on its performance.
Stop wasting time by trying to find the "secret" to making money online. The secret is doing the work and the money will not come until after the work is done. And the work that has to be done does not include buying a guru product that sets you up for failure.
I know that money can be made online, working from home, without the assistance of anyone else. That is what you really want to accomplish. And all i takes from you is the WORK to apply the information available everywhere for free.
Darell's new site is a breath of fresh air in the internet marketing arena, focusing on getting the work done and setting realistic expectations. Visit it at
For more info on Search Engine Optimization
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Diposting oleh
6:32 AM
Search Engine Optimization - 4 Rules for Strong SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a best way to result in more traffic to your site. It is vital in search engines to guarantee that “searches” find your site. This is the easiest and sometimes quickest way to generate that traffic that you seek! However, with anything there are rules. Here are 4 basic rules for quality SEO.
1. Know and abide by the rules of the search engines. Google and Yahoo have certain requirements that you must follow when using SEO and it is VERY important to be aware and adhere to them. This is a MUST in SEO and I can not stress it enough.
2. Use keywords! Keywords are the basis of SEO. It is what allows searches to locate you! The better match your keywords are the more they will find you. Also using those often and periodically “in” your web site are a helpful tool.
3. Use descriptive and adequate words in your titles. Using keywords in the title tag is essential to increase your rankings and your findings from searches.
4. Finally the fourth rule is to search for information that is similar or same to yours in content. This will provide you examples of how others are marketing using SEO and give you knowledge of who your competitors are. The goal then is to use SEO to benefit you and provide you a better chance of being “found” then those you are up against.
Following these simple basic rules will help provide you the benefits of SEO for your website.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
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Diposting oleh
6:24 AM
Small Reports Can Equal Big Dollars
Imagine for a moment reaching your ideal income this year. and it can be done, buy writing small reports so Developing a successful internet marketing strategy is an essential part of your online success. Keeping in mind, the Internet is a global marketplace.
Researching the best Internet marketing strategies is a bit of a task, find the keywords that closely relate to the products that you are going to promote.
So what are the best Internet marketing strategies? Staying focused research popular trends so that you can produce small reports on these topics.
Save your money because there are no guarantees, only hard work coupled with products that'll enhance your success, which begins and ends with 2 simple things.
Staying focused
What does your product have that will entice people to buy it? Any copywriter will tell you that presenting your information to a targeted market is far more important than trying to sell to a wide range of people who might happen to read your information is the key to your online success.
Do you want to make 50 times more money at your website? Number one tip is identifying your Market Type. If you are serious about increasing sales and saving money on your advertising expenditures then you need to look into way to advertise and promote your product as inexpensive as possible.
There have been books written on the subject, so here's a quick run down of a few techniques which I've used to help create steady streams of traffic to my websites. And the best way to receive targeted traffic is trough search engines. If you don't have many good links than you won't receive any direct traffic and you won't have good search engine positions. Creating articles and blogging are a good place to start.
Reciprocal links are not so powerful any more because search engines are looking for links on related sites with related content that are not placed their just for receiving a link back. Having great content or tools on your site will also bring you natural one way links because webmasters will link to you to offer great services to their visitors.
For example, free guides, hints, tips for using your product or service or even a discount voucher for complimentary items. Use these Marketing Tips and start going forward in the right path. For example, you could say, "Read Free Net Marketing Tips So You Can Increase Your Sales.
Ensure that your website is continuously updated with the latest information and products. That information could move them from failing marketers into the entrepreneurs that have learned to earn online. If you want to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors, try changing the format of your viral information and you will be shocked by the results.
Opt-in lists provide you with the ability to create a targeted list of potential customers in which you can advertise on Adwords are one of the best. Pay-per-click Search Engines provide an extremely effective means of obtaining highly targeted traffic to your website. Once you start to get listed in the above referenced search engines and directories, this will work to increase your keyword targeted traffic.
Reply to their support requests as quickly as possible and assist them until the problem is resolved. What are you going to do to support yourself? As you go through the ups and downs of marketing, by learning how to implement the Law of Attraction you’ll be able to create your Ideal Income In 2007. Some steps to Attracting your Ideal Client. Are you interested in creating your ideal income this year, “you can do it”.
Not only will it help you to determine what's working and what's not, but it will also enable you to focus your efforts on the strategies that produce results. Many marketers focus to a large extent on getting their sites ranked in the search engines using search engine optimization (SEO).
"Stay Focused Build Your Home-Based Business"
Gary Sweet
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Diposting oleh
6:14 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Customized SEO - Is It Really Worth The Extra Cost?
Using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential in increasing traffic to your web site. However, is it worth the extra cost to use customized SEO?
When performing SEO for your website you can do this for fairly cheap if any cost. But using a customized SEO has some additional costs involve and can become quite expensive. When hiring a firm to do the customizing of the SEO for you they provide certain tasks and that are why the cost is higher, you get what you pay for, right?
The team of experts will specialize to ensure that you get a rewrite of your web copy. This provides that all your pages are rewritten to provide new keywords to make it better search engine friendly.
A competitive analysis will provide detailed survey resulting in your competors with the same keywords and products. They will optimize your keywords by providing a mixture of keywords that will better categorize with your products and services. Your Meta tags of each site will be adjusted to provide better content and mirror the use of your keywords.
After all that has been accomplished your site will be re-submitted to the key web sties and then the changes will be registered. These costs may be a high, but in the end you will have a better enhanced website that has been completely redone.
Using the customized SEO will ensure that you have high page rankings and thus increase your findings by searchers. I believe that if you are serious about your website and business that the extra cost of using the customized SEO will come back to you in twofold!
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
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Diposting oleh
12:26 AM
Latest Search Strategies
Buried in MarketingSherpa’s annual search survey is some very useful advice on how to use search engine optimization and pay-per-click tactics based on the input from 3271 active marketers. Here is my reading of the tea leaves.
1. You gotta do both to win. Invest in search engine optimization (CEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) to drive traffic to your site. Marketers are much happier with PPC now that they are getting the hang of it. SEO continues to be a cat-and-mouse game between search engine programmers and marketers.
2. The average investment is between 40 and 50 percent of budgets, for both b2c and b2b players. Most marketers expect this investment in to increase over the next 12 months.
The promise of cost effectively delivering interested prospects to a site is a very easy sell internally and this promise added to the general media hype about search makes for a relatively easy budgeting case even in tight-fisted companies.
It’s a fair bet that funds for SEO and PCC are coming from funds formerly slated to outbound acquisition e-mail; a tactic widely seen as on the wane in terms of value and ROI. It is no surprise that spending on search was up 177 percent over the past 12 months and only 21% of those surveyed said they aren’t doing search marketing.
3. The more search is used; the costs grow and conversions plummet. It is almost an economic law. As a medium matures the costs go up as competitors swarm in and prospects get divided among more and more competing brands. In the end, search, like TV, will yield less at higher price points. This process has clearly begun.
4. To find the right niche and to channel the best prospects to their sights the average keyword volume was up 90 percent to 17,314 keywords in 2005 over an average of 9100 in 2004. This number of keywords and the variations thereof mandate dedicated resources and probably some moderately sophisticated software to manage these campaigns where marketers scatter PPC ads over many more categories and subcategories in search of competitive advantage.
5. The best players are using veteran SEO agencies with sophisticated tools to manage and measure these buys. This isn’t something that you can have somebody in the marketing department pick up and handle in their spare time.
6. The Holy Grail is keywords that not only create clicks but that bring site visitors that engage with your site. This process is called “conversion.” This usage of the word is unique to the search community. It should be distinguished from the usual direct marketing meaning of this term which implies somebody took a desired action, identified themselves, signed up for something or actually bought something.
This is a particular dynamic of the search business where the interests of the media (e.g. Google and Yahoo) and the interests of their clients diverge somewhat. The search engines get paid on every click. They care, though not all that much, who clicks or what the clickers end up doing. As fewer people who click engage, give up their e-mail addresses or buy stuff, search marketers redefine success.
7. Initially search delivered eager-to-buy prospects; people who self identified their interests and the urgency of their need by clicking on your key word. Now the promise of search marketing is beginning to shift. Rather than expect an immediate conversion from clicker to interested prospect, instead now measure some combination of engagement and brand awareness. As search marketing grows and becomes part of the media landscape it performs just like everything else. Response rates drop.
8. Finding the Holy Grail is about creative. You may be wondering how creative you can be with a 3 word headline, ten words of copy and a unique URL. But that’s the game. In fact the space restrictions are even more onerous since most ads include the words CLICK NOW or CLICK HERE.
9. Copy testing has become a separate thing all together. And not surprisingly agencies, especially agencies new to search marketing, are much more eager about creative testing than company marketers are; probably because they want to burn up more hours learning the business at the client’s expense.
10. In finding a platform for testing, Google and Yahoo/Overture are the whole act. Everybody uses them. In fact between 50-80% of marketers don’t even mess with the other 12 second tier search engines. Though given how cheap they are, many agencies are inclined to work them into the mix to bring overall cost-per costs down.
11. This near total dominance by two platforms is driving Microsoft to covet the pot of gold they are NOT earning and to devise technology to differentiate their offering and woo the search marketing crowd. Microsoft’s nascent adCenter is being tested in Singapore and France. It promises to offer more sophisticated search targeting by marrying key words with 400 million stored profiles across Microsoft’s portfolio of sites and services. They are threatening to roll it out in the USA in October or November 2005. They have the cash, the clout and the company to sell this idea and gain huge buzz and awareness. But the big money won’t change hands until they prove that the targeting , the interface and the results are better.
12. And if you aren’t baffled by search marketing or you don’t fear Microsoft, consider the research done by Marketing Experiments. They put 9 press releases on the Web using BusinessWire ( and ran simultaneous PPC campaigns on Google. Over the same period of time, they attracted more clicks from the PR effort at dramatically lower cost-per-clicks than for clicks coming from relevant targeted key words.
So maybe search is our most effective current traffic building or perhaps it’s all a tempest in a teacup easily trumped by clicks from content.
Danny Flamberg is marketing strategy consultant and lead generation practitioner working with leading and insurgent brands in professional services, outsourcing, financial services, pharmaceuticals, telecom, high tech, hardware, software, banking and other industries around the globe. He was Vice President of Global Marketing at SAP. He also has worked as Senior Vice President and Managing Director at Digitas LLC in New York and Europe where he represented American Express, General Motors, Federal Express, Morgan Stanley, Ann Taylor, Wolters Kluwer, and the Kingfisher retail group. A pioneer in online marketing, Danny was President of Relationship Marketing at Amiratti Puris Lintas and Lowe Worldwide where he contributed to the success of brands such as Dell Computers, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, Ameritech, UPS, Lego Toys and Burger King. He earned an A.B, an M.A. and a Ph.D. in politics and economics at Columbia University. He lives with his trophy wife, talented daughter and lovelorn dog on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.
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Diposting oleh
12:25 AM
The Top 3 Advantages Of SEO
Anyone who wants his or her website to gain more traffic and become popular throughout the World Wide Web may want to join the masses of webmasters taking advantage of SEO (search engine optimization) tactics. When it comes to marketing a website, there is no denying the benefits that arrive through SEO. Below you will find the top three advantages one may receive for their search engine optimization efforts:
Increased Internet Exposure
No one creates a website with the intentions for it to sit unnoticed, collecting dust. One of the most important advantages that come with SEO is the increase of traffic that occurs. The chances of attracting an increased amount of visitors is rather high when successful SEO places your website within the top 10 or top 20 of the most popular search engine results on the Web. When users search for the information they require, they are most likely to choose from the selections appearing on the first page of results. If your website ranks high (which means it enjoys the most exposure), your site becomes much easier to find, thus increasing traffic.
There are plenty of approaches that a website owner may take to make their site more visible to the public. They may purchase advertising space on Google AdWords, which charge per click. There are also additional pay-per-click marketing schemes that are quite popular with others. Often, website owners do not reap much profit and in some cases, actually lose out. With SEO, no matter how long you rely on this marketing tactic, it is an affordable approach that lasts for many years.
Boost Business Efforts
If your website is being used to promote and sell products or services, SEO can help by improving a site’s ability to sell more. Let’s say you own a website promoting your dog grooming services and products. The best approach toward SEO would be to write articles that praise the benefits of dog grooming, especially the advantages gained when using your particular services. The aim of business SEO is to sell your pitch, but also offer helpful information that will keep potential customers coming back for more.
Opinions in this article do not necessarily reflect the view of SEO Training which the author would like for you to visit.
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Diposting oleh
12:24 AM
Origin of SEO
We have been hearing a lot about SEO or the so called Search Engine Optimization. Have you ever thought were Search Engine Optimization started?
For the benefit of those people who are not yet familiar what Search Engine Optimization is, well here’s a description I got for you to give you few information’s regarding SEO. Search Engine Optimization is defined as a subset of the search engine marketing. It is a process of making improvements on the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via natural search results.
The SEO can target searches like the contextual search and local search and the industry-specific vertical search engines. Search engine optimization helps the internet users and visitors understand how search algorithms work and what internet users can search for, help them visit sites which make it interesting for them. Some search engine optimization helps in the optimizing of the site’s coding, their presentation and structures. It also fix problems that may keep search engine indexing programs from fully speeding a site’s also helps the content pages of the site to look more appealing to the users and visitors.
To make you more familiarize with the search engine optimization I’ll give you a brief history about the origin of the search engine and what is the relationship of Search Engines to Search Engine Optimization.
Well to start of the origin of search engines, in the mid 1990’s Webmasters and the content providers started optimizing their sites for the search engines. Before the responsibilities of webmasters is to submit a page or URI to other different engines which would send a spider to look a certain page, extract the links from the other pages and get the information’s found on the page to be ready for indexed. What the spider does is simply download a page where certain information’s will be stored on their own server where an indexer, known as second program extracts the information gathered.
Time came that site owners are starting to recognize the importance of their site to be rank highly and visible in search engines. On the year of 1996 emails regarding SEO services were sent as spam which was posted at the Usenet.
Because of too much reliance on factors that are exclusively within the control of the webmasters early search engines started to suffer from manipulation of abuse ranking. Because of this site owners thought that they should think ways on how to provide better results to their users... Because of the high value and targeting of search results, a big potential for an adversial relationship between search engines and SEOs.
Then time came search engines also began reaching out to the SEO industry and are regular guests to the SEOs conferences, seminars and trainings. Then the rest was history.
Then in the year 2005 AirWeb, an annual conference was created to discuss certain issues about the damaging effects of web content providers who are known to be very aggressive. Because of these site owners and SEOs simply thought of ways or different techniques to improve their site for the users through the help they will get the domains which are banned from search engines.
SEO has the goal to give better results and reliable accurate information’s to their online users and visitor.
Article Author Eliza Maledevic from, a SEO Company. Know more about Search Engine Optimization at &
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12:22 AM
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Benefits From SEO Companies
Are you tired of going from here and there just to promote your products and services? Did you ever consider advertising online would be a great advantage for you?
Well, let’s face it! Owning or managing a business is really indeed a big responsibility. It requires hard work and patience. Of course, as a manager or business owner one of your goals is to earn. But before you can achieve that there are many things you have to consider in order to boost your business.
One of this is the way you promote your products and services, in short advertisements! Advertising a certain product or service is an important factor that can contribute a lot for the progress of your business. Advertising can help you gain potential customers. Through advertising there are big chances for your business to be known all over the community. The thing is advertising in the traditional ways like newspapers, magazines, radios etc. are sometimes very limited. And because of that you don’t meet your desired exposure.
In order to help you I would like to introduce to you the newest and most advantage way of advertising. It is an online marketing or what is popularly known as SEO. SEO or what we call search engine optimization is a process in which describes the methods use to make your Web sites more attractive in order for you to gain top positions on search engines. It is the customization of your web pages that ensures all the visitors can access to search engines and focused in ways that help improve their chances they will be found.
Many of you might be confused of depending on SEO companies. There maybe times that you will ask yourself if they do really work? Well, certainly yes they do! Here are some of the benefits that you can get if you let SEO companies work for your business.
It helps your business to find potential customers and your targeted market Through search engine optimization people will find it easier to locate your Web site. It can offer you big chances of increasing your sales because of the exposure of your products and services to potential customers that might be interested.
It helps you save money and time Search engine optimization helps you to save more money and time by the utilization of search engine services that are free to promote your products and services. Once you web page has been optimized it will continue to be crawled and indexed by the search engine. And because of that you exert little effort in the maintenance of your web site. The more visitors your Web site gets over time the more chances of higher ranking you’ll have.
It can boost your rankings Of course if your site is on the 100th page of the search engine results it wont be visited by anyone. Most users and visitors will click on the sites that usually appear on the first page.
It helps increase your sales A site that is ranking high in the search engine has big chances of boosting their sales because of the potential buyers they can get.
Increase your conversion rates Frankly speaking the main purpose of your site is to convert your visitors into buyers. The optimization of your web site will help interested visitors to look at your products and services.
Be advertise internationally Most of the time when we use traditional advertisements you are expose within your local vicinity. But if you optimize your web site, even though you sell products locally you may receive sales from all over the world.
It will produce long-term results If your website is consistently in the top rankings it will provide constant traffic that converts to potential sales for a long time.
Well, these are just some of the benefits that you will get if you optimize to search engines. So why wait for a long time to boost your sales? Employ now for a professional SEO services and achieve all your goals for your business.
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Diposting oleh
12:18 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
SEO Best Practices: How Blogs Can Break Or Make Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy
Blogs - Structure and Layout
I work in the field of Search Engine Optimization. It has a wide range of options, from the technical to the more strategic. Tons of discussions are found on off-page and on-page factors, latent semantic analysis, content scope, quality, HTML/CSS development, site navigational structure, spamdexing, 301 redirects, plagiarism, link strategies, directories, blogs, search engine news, email marketing tips & online (internet) marketing. Most all of the top 10 SEO firms out there agree that blogs are a "must" for driving traffic and get established in the Internet community.
There is a right way, and a wrong way. We'll discuss these below.
Be warned - too many folks out there are thinking about "how to outbeat the search engines" and use the latest-and-greatest (blogs) to elevate their rankings, essentially via content and blog spam. Blogs are a powerful way to get seen by the search bots. Blogger (Google's own) is an important key to the puzzle, but there are many.
Start here, begin a quick review of the world's top blogs: (the gorilla blog listings - updated daily) (this guy makes 16,000 USD / monthly) (web 2.0 blogs and news)
Get an account - it's free. log in - and - don't start! What? No, you must first continue by scanning the list above and get a sense for what people are writing about. This could be more generic at first, but start looking to yourself. What do you know? What do people come to you for? Anything that you specialize in? (Hint: don't think "how can I sell this" - but "how can I share this?") You'll also learn how to use trackback functions to allow other people to be notified. Permalinks are great for SEO and should be used where appropriate. So, now you learned something big: be yourself!
Think about an interesting headline. You don't need to be copywriter, but you should think about your headline and the topic at hand. More importantly, is it something that you are passionate about, or can contribute something to? It's ok to spend some time here, writer's block can come up. Think about other sites, can you re-write their UVP (unique value proposition)? How would you write yours (thinking theme here). What I've found to work is simply sit back and start talking as if you were discussing a (hot) topic with a friend, and then breaking it out into sub-groups from there.
Writing tips: casual, friendly and interesting (meaning you have something to write and you don't copy others) works well in blogs. Make sure you stay on topic and that you are truthful. Would you lie to your mother? Of course not - then think about this when you are writing online (and she will not come after you). Yahoo's blogging policy is a good one: "Be respectful of your colleagues, get your facts straight, provide context to your argument, and engage in private feedback." Also, make sure to include images (flickr) and video (youtube, google video) where you can. Make the images rich and colorful, don't worry about sizing too much.
Committment, persistence and disciplin. Sound like an extract from Jim Rohn or Anthony Robbins? Well, they probably are - but it applies to most of the things you do in life. So be it with blogging. Carve out 1/2-1 hour every day to nurture to your blog business. Think of it as your morning ritual - right after you have attended to your family and other duties. Plus, often you are not going to be in writing mode - but rather, maintenance mode - reviewing and responding to other blogger's input.
Search engines start picking up your blog, and traffic increases. Be prepared and if it gets out of hand, be able to manage that too. I'm not simply talking about traffic, but as others join and comment, you may need to defend your stance, including admitting mistakes if / when you make them. Folks appreciate other folks who are big enough to admit mistakes if it gets there. For example, you may have folks who don't like you - even if you're Bill Gates. This guy created a Corporate Weblog Manifesto that I found interesting.
Run and host your own blog service. More expensive, but this could have a large impact on your ability to control not only the content, but custom HTML layouts, code and information architecture that are important to search engines. You can offer this as a service to others in your niche market. is a great resource to use for starting this process, and more hands-on development companies like can be an option for you. Keep in mind that the market has developed niche-companies, from real-estate to healthcare, and you should research those specifically.
If you have writer's block - make sure to read the next section, content is important for Search Engine Optimization - be on top of it.
How To Be Creative RE: Blogs (and SEO)
Here are some tips about being creative with blogs. Funny, but poignant.
(Taken from
Ignore everybody.
The idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to change the world.
Put the hours in.
If your biz plan depends on you suddenly being "discovered" by some big shot, your plan will probably fail.
You are responsible for your own experience.
Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten.
Keep your day job.
Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with companies that champion creativity.
Everybody has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.
The more talented somebody is, the less they need the props.
Don't try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether.
If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you.
Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside.
Dying young is overrated.
The most important thing a creative person can learn professionally is where to draw the red line that separates what you are willing to do, and what you are not.
The world is changing.
Merit can be bought. Passion can't.
Avoid the Watercooler Gang.
Sing in your own voice.
The choice of media is irrelevant.
Selling out is harder than it looks.
Nobody cares. Do it for yourself.
Worrying about "Commercial vs. Artistic" is a complete waste of time.
Don?t worry about finding inspiration. It comes eventually.
You have to find your own schtick.
Write from the heart.
The best way to get approval is not to need it.
Power is never given. Power is taken.
Whatever choice you make, The Devil gets his due eventually.
The hardest part of being creative is getting used to it.
Remain frugal.
Voila - that's it, there you have it. Watch how the search engines will start picking up your content. You can run tools to see how you are ranking, how often you are showing up in the search engines. We like as a simple beginner starting point. However, it's not 100% accurate, other SEO tools can provide more detail.
Keep your content fresh, updates daily is preferred - and definitely once a week and your search engine marketing (which includes search engine optimization) will become more visible than it was just last week. Then, use to alert search engines that you have made updates. It's a free service, and will help your visibility.
About The Author
Jon Rognerud is a recognized authority on the subject of SEO, and has spent over 10 years developing websites and marketing solutions at companies like Overture and Yahoo. His Web 2.0 site, Los Angeles Search Marketing (, provides a wealth of informative articles, resources and complimentary email courses on everything you will ever need to know about SEO and Search Marketing. He lives with his family in Southern California.
Diposting oleh
9:33 AM
Introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The motive of Search Engine Optimization is to improve the ranking of the web sites, which are listed in the search engine lists. With the high rank of the web site in the search engine, there is a chance of more and more customers visiting your site. In today’s busy world the customers or internet users does not have much time to click through pages or the pages of search engine, so during their visit to the web site if the customer finds that the rank of the site is high he or she will ultimately move towards that site.
In the today’s web world, search engine optimizers (SEOs) are recognized as an industry of the professionals who bring the optimization scheme or projects on behalf of their customer’s sites. SEO ensure to the customer that the site they are looking for is reachable by the search engine. (It also improves the probability that the site, which a customer is looking for, will be found by the search engine. The motive of any search engine marketing agency is to know the techniques which give greater reliability to the search engine and what the search engines are looking for. So they modify a web site so that it is considered to be friendly to search engine.)
Different kinds of listing are displayed by the search engines in the search engine result pages (SERPs). The lists which are displayed by the search engines are pay per click advertisement, organic search results and paid inclusion listings. The strategies adopted by a search engine optimization company in Thailand are just same as required everywhere else in the world – they shall increase quality of customers and number of customers by improving the rankings of the SEO clients’ websites. Mainly SEO is concerned with achieving the aim of a web site by the improvement and progress of its organic search results.
Any newcomer, who wants to make his place in the web world and is launching his web site, should think about search engine optimization even already for the initial design of a site and development of the site, as they offer the stand alone service.
As a part of a large marketing effort, SEO plays a very important role for the initial design and development of the site. Pay per click advertising can play a substantial role for the competitive and high volume search term. The cost of pay per click advertising is little bit higher, so web site owners can think to optimize their sites for organic search. If your web site is having high ranking in the organic search results, this can bring the flow of traffic at a possible significant savings. Search engine optimization may not be having identical goal for all sites.
Some sites optimize to rank high for common search phrases, so these types of sites often look for any and all types of traffic. These common phrases are often much harder to rank for than the real “long tail” phrases that clients use to search for a product. It is important to note that you have to perform search engine optimization for every language that you cover – and if you have a Thai language part on your site targeting clients from Thailand, you sure want Thai search engine optimization experts to help you for the famous engines in Thailand like or
In the Search Engine Optimization industry some of the search engines are frequent guests and sponsors at SEO seminars and conferences. With the arrival of paid inclusion, some of the search engines are now taking interest in the well being of the optimization community.
Copyright 2006 Globlet Co., Ltd.
About The Author
Jatupol Tanaruthai has been in the search engine marketing business for about 9 years. He is the owner and CEO of Globlet Co., Ltd. (, a search engine marketing company based in Bangkok, Thailand.
Diposting oleh
9:31 AM
1 komentar
Web Site Checklist for Search Engine Optimization (Easy and Quick SEO)
Print out this checklist and survey your web site. - How did you do?
__ Does your home page answer the four principle questions?
- What are you offering me? Are you trying to sell me something or is it a free information resource?
- Why should I believe you? Credibility
- What's in it for me? Benefit
- Who are you? Contact Information and About You
__ Is your home page greeting and message visible "above the fold", without scrolling down the page?
__ Can visitors find information easily?
__ Can Visitors get to important or common information in two clicks or less?
__ Do you have a clear and consistent method of navigation throughout the web site?
__ Can visitors bookmark individual pages?
__ Can visitors easily find contact information, phone numbers or email addresses on every page?
__ Does each page contain links to related topics, web sites, definitions, accessories, "buy now" or "contact now" (action option)?
__ Have you run a spell check on every page, and then checked to make sure you used the write words two?
__ Have you provided your visitors with a reason to remember you and come back later?
__ Can you visualize specific community members who will benefit from your web site?
Slightly Technical Stuff
__ Does every page have a unique Title?
__ Does your Title contain the Keywords for the page, and vice versa?
__ Are your Keywords also used in the test on the page?
__ Are your page titles more than one word, and more than 30 characters?
__ Do you have Alternate Text Tags for your images?
__ Are your Metatags current?
__ Do you use Text Links to other pages? (Spider Bots can not follow Buttons or Images)
__ Have you submitted your pages to the Search Engines?
__ Do you share reciprocal links?
__ Have you optimized your HTML, and do your pages have 25% text or more (higher ratio is better)?
Cool Tools
SEO Lite Toolbar - Install the Toolbar and check the link popularity on any web site
IBP (Internet Business Pages) FREE DEMO - "Optimize My Web Site" and compare to your competitors
XML Sitemap Generator - Automatically Generate a Sitemap and Metatags
Google Keyword Tool - See the Current most popular Keywords used to Search the Web
Words of Wisdom
"I invented the Internet."
- Al Gore
"Words are of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind""
- Rudyard Kipling
"When my father was a child, he played with other children in the neighborhood. When I was a child, we watched television shows about children around the world, interacting with other children and playing in their neighborhoods. Now I watch my son connect to the Internet and play with children around the world."
- John Mehrmann
About The Author
John Mehrmann is a freelance writer and President of Executive Blueprints Inc., an organization devoted to improving business practices and developing human capital. provides resource materials for trainers, sample Case Studies, educational articles and references to local affiliates for consulting and executive coaching. provides self-paced tutorials for personal development and tools for trainers. Presentation materials, reference guides and exercises are available for continuous development.
You may distribute this article freely, print it, sell it, or include it as part of a package as long as it is intact, unchanged and delivered in the original format with acknowledgement to Executive Blueprints Inc.
Diposting oleh
9:21 AM
AdSense Used As A Web Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Detection Tool
Abstract : In addition to Google AdSense advertisements in the business environment has played a role,Sometimes, they can even as their web search engine optimization conditions (SEO) detection tool!If your website or the website of just doing a column optimization,but just joined the Google AdSense advertising code.AdSense refer to the content of the advertisements may be some food for thought from the information.
If your website joined the Google AdSense.look at the Google advertising on their website that there are some surprising discovery and enlightenment.For example, found a new competitor, or some of the new trends within counterparts.This is the Google AdSense advertising in the business environment has been playing the role of relevant articles.In addition,Google AdSense advertisements and sometimes even their own web search engine optimization can be used as a tool for measuring the conditions!
AdSense website as search engine optimization (SEO) tool.This is my columns on the front page of a web site observation and the analysis found.Google's AdSense discovered in the course of the trial, the front page columns online marketing a new observation.Although the text of a lot and seldom changesIt also believed that the body had been included and web pages related to the themes of the word.However, the website of AdSense advertisements are often not normal,the advertisement and bore little relation to the core content pages. In addition, visit the website,by Alexa toolbar shows and related sites are not directly related to the web page (Alexa website statistics and information that can be used as a reference tool).According to the information analysis, preliminary assessment is the theme of the website homepage.Meta labels or website content may exist some problems search engines can not make an accurate judgment of the core content of the website.According to !
this idea, words related to the website, so a lot of checksMeta found that the problem is the label "page description" content to a certain extent,Since the adoption of a common template, the website of the "page description" and the theme of the website,website content is not much correlation.Simple modification of this issue shortly after a big improvement on the aforementioned issues.
This is what I use AdSense advertising search engine optimization tool for measuring the website as an example.But this "search engine optimization tool for measuring" of a certain limitations, are not effective for all website,Moreover, a strong correlation between advertising pages there AdSense advertising or not.Another possible situation is thattheme and content of the website pages contain keywords corresponding advertisers do not put advertisementsor is not suitable for advertising in this area, of course, impossible for advertising,Google advertising alone can not determine the site of the phenomenon to a simple search engine optimization,only as a reference to a certain extent.
If your website or the website of just doing a column optimization,but just joined the Google AdSense advertising code.
AdSense refer to the content of the advertisements may be some food for thought from the information.
About The Author
James Yaqins own, this is a free articles search engine and directory for search engine marketing.See more articles on the search engine marketing,please click
Diposting oleh
9:19 AM
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FAQ About Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
What is SEO anyway?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO for short) is a highly involved, somewhat lengthy, process designed to elevate an internet website’s major search engine ranking and/or positioning. The major search engines (Google, Microsoft Network (MSN), and Yahoo) make up greater than 70% of search traffic on the internet. This is a common way for people to find others, information, companies, potential business partners, etc. by entering a “keyword” or search term. Typically, the searcher will seek information on their keyword or search term and click on the top results. Thus the higher a site ranks for a given keyword or search term, the better its chances of attracting more visitors to its site.
Why Should I Care about SEO?
If you run a business and have a web presence, don’t you want the most people possible knowing about that business? Wouldn’t it benefit you if your website was able to bring you new leads or develop new customers every day, 24 hours per day? Research has shown that nearly 95% of all search engine users rarely read past the first page of search results. Because of that, it behooves you to have your website on the first page of search results for specific keywords and terms.
Can’t I just Pay for a High Ranking?
No! Organic (or “free”) search listing rankings cannot be purchased. These are “earned” over time via links, content, keyword relevance, page and site descriptions, titles of pages, etc. You can pay for clicks to your website based on specific terms or keywords however these are separate results from the free results people commonly click.
What is Pay-Per-Click?
Pay-per-click is a form of internet advertising where you pay a certain amount for each “click” or “hit” to your website as a result of a person searching for a certain keyword or phrase.
What is Click Fraud?
Click fraud occurs when a person or automated computer script imitates a legitimate search for a keyword or phrase yet clicks on the pay-per-click result for the sole purpose of generating revenue for the search engine or affiliate.
What is a Linking Partner?
A linking partner is a website which provides a link to your site. Some will require a link on your site to theirs in return (a reciprocal link) while others will want to have a link on a third party’s site in exchange for the link to yours. Reciprocal links aren’t as valuable as unique one way links but the more links you have pointing to your site (link popularity), the more “important” the search engines will consider your site.
What is Page Rank?
Page Rank is Google’s proprietary algorithm for determining a site’s importance. It’s expressed as a value from 1-10 with 10 being the most important and most desirable. The algorithm was designed by Larry Page, Google’s co-founder. Page Rank is affected by things such as the number of links pointing to your website, and the amount of unique and relevant content on your website.
What is a Keyword?
A keyword is a typical word or phrase you’d expect people to use when searching for your site. That’s about as simple as we can explain it.
What is Keyword Density?
The number of keywords you use on a particular page in relation to the number of total words on that page. The more keywords you have peppered throughout the page and site, the better your site may rank for that particular term. You must be careful not to load a page with too many keywords, however—that is considered keyword “stuffing” or spamming and is frowned upon by the search engines.
What is a Sitemap?
A sitemap is basically an inventory listing of all of the pages on your site. It tells the search engines how to get around your site and also how many pages there are on your site. It can be made visible to your visitors, but it doesn’t have to be. Uploading an XML file directly to the search engines is a generally accepted best practice for optimizing your search engine rankings.
What is a Spider?
Search engines utilize small programs to surf and inventory sites all over the internet. These are called spiders, and they follow links from site to site to gather their inventory to report back to the search engine. They are also referred to as crawlers or bots from time to time.
What is a Meta Tag?
A meta tag is an HTML piece of code which provides information about that particular page or document. These don’t provide formatting information or any actionable code—they are there for the search engines to catalog your site and the pages contained on your site.
What is a Blog?
A blog (short for weblog) is a news or journal type of site which is frequently used more for opinionated type of entries and is typically updated frequently. It is intended for general consumption but has become a valuable tool for all types of users to spread information and awareness of their websites.
Why Should I Write Articles for my Website?
Articles are a great way to increase the amount of unique content on your site as it pertains to the keywords you desire to rank well. There are numerous websites that publish articles, and it is common practice for the authors to include a link in their by-line back to their website. This creates an inbound link to the author’s website which in turn increases its popularity. It’s also a good way to increase awareness aside from the linking benefits.
What are Directories?
Directories are databases containing listings to websites based on categories and sub-categories. Many of the search engines access directories to crawl their links to learn of new sites. Directories are an invaluable resource for search engines and can often serve to improve a site’s ranking depending upon how important the search engine weighs the directory in question. Directories may provide a link to your site often without requiring a return or reciprocal link on your site.
There you have a faq based overview of search engine optimization, why you should care, and some of the key terms used. If you're considering implementing an optimization program for your website, please visit for more information on this topic.
About The Author
Roger Bauer is Founder and CEO of SMB Consulting, Inc., a Louisville, Kentucky based small business consulting firm specializing in strategic planning, web presence, internet marketing, SEO, technology, and business analysis. To learn more, point your browser to
Diposting oleh
8:54 AM
Off Page SEO: The Importance Of Incoming Links And Search Engine Optimization
Off page SEO: The importance of incoming links and search engine optimization
Off page seo an integral part of getting your web site indexed in search engines. All of your on page, or onsite, Search Engine Optimization will be wasted if you don't have a method for getting search engine robots to your web site in the first place.
So, how do you go about getting these search engine robots to your web site? A simple way to do this is to get other web sites to link to yours. Getting a web site to link to your new site is not really that difficult, only it can take a bit of time. There are literally thousands of web sites out there that will give you a link to your web site simply for the asking. The internet is a beautiful thing!
I am going to focus on one group of web sites that will help you with your off page seo link building: online directories. These are collections of links to web sites grouped by related categories. The good thing about these directories is that with a little bit of effort you can find high ranking directories that will allow you to place your web site link in their directory without payment and without having to link back to them. Typically these directories can be found by doing a search for "Free non reciprocal directory" in your favorite search engine. The problem with this method is that it can be time consuming.
1) If you don't have a compiled list of these directories, it could literally take you an hour just to submit your web site to 5-10 directories.
2) If you by chance find a web site that has links to these types of directories but you don't have a good method of submitting your web site: It could take you up to 5 minutes or more just to submit 1 link!
Why would I even suggest this method if it is such a hassle? It's because there are web sites that will do the "dirty work" for you. Directory submission services can take the hassle and mind numbing effort out of your off page search engine optimization. Simply do a search for "Directory Submission Service" in your favorite search engine to find some of these time saving gems.
The reason you absolutely need incoming links is so that your web site can start to get crawled, then indexed, by search engines. As I stated above: It doesn't matter if you have the most search engine friendly web site in the world: If search engine robots cannot find your webster: you've wasted your time and money! Do not waste your time with "search engine submission" services: while these methods can work, they are very slow to get results. If you submit your web site to Google via their "Add Your Website" page, you can expect to wait 4-6 weeks or more for Google to even visit your web site! There's no guarantee they will return, either. With the directory submissions I've mentioned here your web site can be crawled and even indexed by search engines within 24 hours of getting your link placed on a high ranking web site.
The main point is this: in order to get your web site crawled and indexed by search engine robots quickly, you need to build incoming links to your web site. Do them yourself, or hire someone else to do them for you, it doesn't matter. Otherwise, your pretty new web site might never have a visitor other than yourself.
About The Author
Rob Ferrall has a SE Friendly Directory Submission Service that offers website submissions at an affordable rat. Visit for more details.
Diposting oleh
8:43 AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Using SEO With Your Nonprofit Website - The Basics
Good SEO is essential for your nonprofit website’s success. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques increase your site’s chance of rising higher in organic search results (such as when people do a Google search for “Los Angeles Non Profit”) and attaining better site ranks in numerous directories. In a world where pay-per-click advertising devours millions in charitable advertising dollars each year, it makes sense to do everything you can to achieve great organic, unpaid results. Good SEO can help you do that.
There are countless books and sites devoted to improving your site’s SEO and SEO considerations. Without getting into too much detail, here are 5 techniques that will help you in your SEO mission.
Search Engine Spiders And Your Nonprofit Website
Search engine spiders “feed” on good SEO content. Many nonprofit websites owners think content only appears on the written page; i.e., the stuff you read directly on the site. While it’s partly true—it’s definitely not the whole story! Spiders also read Meta tags, coding, and even the page names you’ve given to your website’s files (look up in the browser bar title in your browser to see what I am talking about).
501c3 Website Page Names
One trick I recommend is using accurate page names to increase your SEO presence. For example, a page named “page5.html” means nothing to a human and search engines won’t care about it. On the other hand, consider the page name: “save-atlantas-trees.html.” This page name says basically what you can expect from it. It may not seem like much at first glance—but if you think of how search engines index this kind of material and use it to help catalog, sort, and show search results to potential clients and customers, you can see the benefit of optimizing your page names.
Charity Domain Name
Did you know your domain name is another secret SEO weapon? Let’s say your nonprofit is named “Benny Johnson Foundation” because Benny Johnson founded the organization. It’s fine as a general non-profit name, but as a domain name, it doesn’t give a clue about what the Benny Johnson Foundation does. This can leave potential donors guessing about the cause and hurt your organization's donations.
It’s vital to select a domain name that matches your organizations mission and location.
If you must have a non-keyword domain name as your primary, consider adding additional domain names which are rich in keywords such as these fake nonprofit examples and . These domains can forward to your main domain, hooking customers in through their rich, applicable content. Forwarding a domain name is done on the server level – usually free of charge.
Charity META Tags
Lastly, Meta tags are an SEO staple. They live in the coded header of your web pages, literally offering search engines a platter of keywords and data to propagate. Meta tags are the easiest thing you can add to your nonprofit site. Be sure they use optimized keywords that advertise your charitable organization well.
SEO considerations are worth tackling, whatever your nonprofit size. Excellent SEO habits can improve your site’s worth and presence without costing a fortune in advertising!
Ian Anderson is co-founder of Intersection360. Ian specializes in hosted application architecture and GUI design. Intersection360 offers a wide range of non-branded web applications for the small business/non-profit markets. Some of Intersection360 products include: CharityHelper360 - secure forms processing for non-profits (Get a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL - limited time offer simply visit for details), WebEdit360 - an online website editor and more.
Learn more about how you can sell Intersection360 products as your own with the Intersection360 Partner Program at
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5:45 AM
Search Engine Optimization – 4 Basic Rules for Quality SEO III
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a wonderful technique if you are trying to bring in more and more visitors to your website. The search engines employed by web surfers should clearly ensure that your site is always available as a result of relevant ‘searches’. This is going popularize your website like never before. There are 4 basic requirements for a quality SEO.
1.) A definite requirement in search engine optimization is definitely possessing all the knowledge of notions followed by search engines, specifically, you should be attuned to the lists if rules and regulations provided by the more popular ones like Google and Yahoo. Once you’ve known them stick to them to ensure best results.
2.) Use of keywords, in the course of search engine optimization is quite significant. Use them as much as you can in your websites and as strategically along with specific links on your site as possible. SEOs have their basis in keywords. So interpret the desires of the surfers in terms of your key words and place them on your sites for best results.
3.) The usage of more and more relevant words to substantiate your content on your website would obviously lead to greater success in search engine optimization. The title tags should carry the key words whose choices have to be made carefully. Follow this and greater number of times your site would surface in course of your searches.
4.) Analyze your content and in course of search engine optimization find more and more content which are similar in quality and update your content from time to time. Thus you would serve the dual purpose of knowing your competitors better and more often will your website surface as a search result.
Take to this basic, simple 4 step process and find your website on top of rankings continuously in terms of search results.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
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5:42 AM
Good Content Makes Good Internet Marketing and SEO Traffic
Research has been applied to finding the best way to present internet website content and writing copy for Internet Marketing and SEO. Now, new eye-tracking research has confirmed what was projected to be the case.
Want to know what works? Keep it Concise (Have you heard that word in my rants before?). Your copy should not be dense, it should be more diagrammatic - making it a quick, informative read. (Yes Ethel, attention spans have degenerated in our offspring - TV and monitors - 60 cps for you wavemongers).
Readers must spend more time to read dense content, but it is proven that they will remember less. This is especially the case when your readers are in a hurry. When they read concise copy they will remember the meaning and main points much better. With these findings in mind I have written some guidelines for your internet copy writing. Read these.
Keep Your Copy Concise
500 - 600 Words Per Article Maximum - This Gives Better SEO and Long Tail of Search
Titles - Keep Your Titles Concise but Interesting and Containing Keywords
Keep Paragraphs Short and Concise
First Phrase of Each Paragraph Should Contain Your Point
Keep Your Vocabulary Simple
Impact, Not Fluff Is the Objective
Sans Serif Fonts are Faster to Read
Keep Your Content Scannable
Use Outline, Lists, Bullets and Bold Print
Pictures Are for Information, Not Decor
Spell Correctly
Grammar Must Be Kept Simple
The only time I break these rules (like this aside and the "Yes Ethel," phrase above is for a specific reason - this time to keep it fun). If you follow these guidelines you should get the maximum effect from your content writing efforts.
Arthur Browning
# Web Templates Blog
Arthur Browning began his career teaching technical writing in a small midwestern university for 15 years. He later editted and published a national professional journal for some ten years. He is now an investor. His interests include art collecting, web marketing, writing.
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5:41 AM
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Customized SEO – How Important is Customized SEO?
Customized SEO – How Important is Customized SEO?
Search Engine Optimization is a widely used and thoroughly popular technique of increasing the amount of traffic pouring into your site. A number of people thus lay a lot of significance on the SEO and often go for customized SEO. But does customized SEO really live up to its reputation and value?
SEO can of course be done by almost anybody, at a very low cost. But like in every other field there are a number of experts who specialize in SEO. These folks help you obtain your very own customized SEO for a fairly high price. In exchange of course you get more visitors on your site. Thus your extra expenditure on the customized SEO is more or less taken care of by the extra traffic you obtain in the process.
The SEO experts that you will hire will make a few changes to your site. For starters they will re-write your web copy and provide it with brand new keywords. The new keyword tags will make them more search engine friendly and make sure that your site comes up more frequently on the search result list.
They will also draw out a detailed competitive analysis, which will show exactly how your competitors (those selling the same product and perhaps dealing with the same taglines) are placed. You will then be given a combination of keywords, which will help you optimize your page better. The Meta tags used by your website will also be tweaked so as to make sure that they offer enhanced content and reflect the way your keywords have been used.
Once all that has been done your website will again be put up on the key websites and the modifications will be registered. Despite the increased costs you will ultimately reap benefits from a far advanced website. Customized SEO will not only help you secure high page rankings (which will in turn increase the number of the visitors on your site) but also increase your profits. As a result, despite your added cost you will finally go laughing to the banking.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
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5:34 AM
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Forget SEO Its All About Conversion!
SEO Resources Site
SEO Articles
Forget SEO Its All About Conversion!
Which SEO hat do you wear? Is it white or black? Or perhaps its a subtle shade of gray. Well, wherever you are on this spectrum, if you are like 99% of the SEO-fixated webmasters out there, you are doing all you can to get visitors to your site. Where you used to optimize your keywords meta tags, you now worry about anchor text and XML site maps.
So, you finesse your site, schmooze the algorithm du jour and begin to climb the slippery search engine rankings pole. But this is where you have to leave your SEO tricks behind and start thinking conversion.
Whoa there! Conversion? Thats all about making sales on shopping sites. My sites a forum! I dont sell anything. What has conversion got to do with me?
Everything, my friend. Everything.
SERP Conversion
You want visitors to come your site, right? Thats why you climb greasy SERP pole, after all. (And why you lay awake at night wondering when the next Florida, Hilltop or Bourbon algorithm earthquake is going to hit.) But what does it matter if you reach the peak, but no one clicks through to your site anyway?
The fact is that you have to convert prospective visitors even before they arrive. You have to pique their interest, tweak their curiosity and make sure they click your link and not the other guys. And all you have to use are words. No technical tricks will help you now your only tools are plain ol words.
The SERPs will show words from two of three places. Two of these you can control and one you cant:
1.Your title tag.
2.Your meta description tag.
3.A directory description.
(For example, Google is known to use DMOZ descriptions in their SERPs, and Yahoo uses their directory descriptions in theirs.)
Now, theres not much you can do about how Yahoo or DMOZ editors describe your site, so dont worry about number 3. But do what you can do: Place your value propositions clearly in 1 and 2, and use them to lure searchers into your website.
So you have to convert people before they even get to your site. But thats not all. You want them to stay, right?
Flash Conversion
No, this has nothing to do with being blinded by bright lights on the road to Damascus. Nor am I telling you to go and make a 100% animated website.
This flash is that split second, that tiny window of opportunity that opens up when a searcher arrives at your site and decides whether they have actually found what they are looking for or not.
Typically, youll have a couple of seconds to persuade the new visitor to stay and hang out. Thats all you get. Its the ultimate in speed-dating. So, how do you wow your date? Do you show him a page of scraped content interspersed with Adsense ads? Not if you want this to be a lasting relationship.
Follow these tips and be sure to impress your date:
1. Have a clear theme
Ranking high for blue widgets? Then be sure your visible title, copy and images are clearly focused on them.
2. Have a clean design
Imagine you are taking a first date to a movie. Do you pick her up wearing your pajamas in a dirty, trash-filled car? Or do you clean the car, wash your face and dress to impress? Of course you want to impress her, so you make sure you look (and smell) good.
Its the same with your site: Clean design, a nice text size and pages that dont scroll from here to eternity are going to float your first-time visitor-dates boat.
3. Write clearly and focus on your date
Waffle on about yourself and your date will get bored. She wants you to be interested in her. And in terms of your site, that means giving her what she wants to know as quickly and succinctly as possible. This comes down to your ability to write and communicate. So, if you are like Steve Martin in Roxanne, make sure you get a someone else (a copywriter) to compose the lines to wow your date for you.
OK, so lets say you have successfully wooed your first-time visitor date. Hes here and he has decided to stick around. Youre going steady, getting to know each other a little more. Thats all you want, isnt it?
No, it isnt! You want to pop the question, of course!
Getting hitched
Youve made all this effort and spent money on getting your date this far, so you want to get the most out of your investment, right? You want to hear those sweet words, I do:
I do want to click your Adsense ads. I do want to become a forum member. I do want to buy that cool digital thingy.
So how do you turn a whirlwind romance into a successful proposal? Try these ideas for size:
Have clear navigation
You want to make your date dizzy with excitement, not frustration! Make sure you have clear, consistent, well-labeled navigation and make your visitor-dates time with you a pleasure, and not a reason to reach for the Advil.
Have a clear proposition
What do you want your visitor to do? Buy something? Sign up for something? Join something? Whatever the point of your site is, it does have a point, right? So dont beat about the bush, and dont hold back waiting for the right moment: Make your proposal, and make it clear and direct.
Happily Ever After
You thought that was the end of the story? Wait a minute, its not over yet! I thought you were in this for a long-term relationship, not a one night stand?
I know, you were thinking that having made all that effort while you were dating, you could ease off now that youre married. But dont you know that the real rewards start here?
So what are the secrets of a long, blissful relationship with your visitors?
1. Feed them!
You convinced him to come visit once. But how often will he come back if all you give him are the same old leftovers? Cook him up something juicy and delicious, and have him salivating for more:
Enliven your content with new, relevant pages and, not only will you set the search engine robots drooling, but you will also find you have a hoard of visitors coming back for seconds. And in this age of fast-(visitor)-food creation tools called blogs, theres really no excuse anymore.
2. Shower them with gifts
Everyone likes a gift - and not just on birthdays, anniversaries and at Christmas:
Money talks, and if you are selling anything through your site, then discounts and other offers to previous visitors and customers will draw them back like magnets. Throw in tempting freebies as well and you will have a potent marketing mix.
3. Send them love letters
Anyone who has been in a long-distance relationship (like my wife and I were for a year and a half), knows that if you cant be together, the next best thing is a letter or email. For your website, this means an interesting ezine that is light on sales pitch and rich in information.
4. Start a family!
Not literally! But you can create a family atmosphere by adding a forum where your visitors can interact with each other not just with you and your site. People are social animals, so use a forum to keep them coming back.
OK, so perhaps I overstated it a little in my title. SEO is not dead, so dont forget about it quite yet. Just remember that it will only get you so far: If you want to actually achieve anything with your site, then you need to focus on conversion like a laser.
About the Author
Stephen Munday lives in Japan. His most recent project is a Japanese name translation website where you can get your name in beautiful Japanese calligraphy.
This article is Stephen Munday 2005. Permission is given to reproduce this article in whole with the URLs correctly hyperlinked.
Related Links:
How To Really SEO Your Site
How to Top Google by Writing Articles
The Real Search Engine Optimization Guide
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