000 Search Engine Optimization Seo: Web Site Checklist for Search Engine Optimization (Easy and Quick SEO)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Web Site Checklist for Search Engine Optimization (Easy and Quick SEO)

Print out this checklist and survey your web site. - How did you do?

__ Does your home page answer the four principle questions?

- What are you offering me? Are you trying to sell me something or is it a free information resource?

- Why should I believe you? Credibility

- What's in it for me? Benefit

- Who are you? Contact Information and About You

__ Is your home page greeting and message visible "above the fold", without scrolling down the page?

__ Can visitors find information easily?

__ Can Visitors get to important or common information in two clicks or less?

__ Do you have a clear and consistent method of navigation throughout the web site?

__ Can visitors bookmark individual pages?

__ Can visitors easily find contact information, phone numbers or email addresses on every page?

__ Does each page contain links to related topics, web sites, definitions, accessories, "buy now" or "contact now" (action option)?

__ Have you run a spell check on every page, and then checked to make sure you used the write words two?

__ Have you provided your visitors with a reason to remember you and come back later?

__ Can you visualize specific community members who will benefit from your web site?

Slightly Technical Stuff

__ Does every page have a unique Title?

__ Does your Title contain the Keywords for the page, and vice versa?

__ Are your Keywords also used in the test on the page?

__ Are your page titles more than one word, and more than 30 characters?

__ Do you have Alternate Text Tags for your images?

__ Are your Metatags current?

__ Do you use Text Links to other pages? (Spider Bots can not follow Buttons or Images)

__ Have you submitted your pages to the Search Engines?

__ Do you share reciprocal links?

__ Have you optimized your HTML, and do your pages have 25% text or more (higher ratio is better)?

Cool Tools

SEO Lite Toolbar - Install the Toolbar and check the link popularity on any web site

IBP (Internet Business Pages) FREE DEMO - "Optimize My Web Site" and compare to your competitors

XML Sitemap Generator - Automatically Generate a Sitemap and Metatags

Google Keyword Tool - See the Current most popular Keywords used to Search the Web


Words of Wisdom

"I invented the Internet."
- Al Gore

"Words are of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind""
- Rudyard Kipling

"When my father was a child, he played with other children in the neighborhood. When I was a child, we watched television shows about children around the world, interacting with other children and playing in their neighborhoods. Now I watch my son connect to the Internet and play with children around the world."
- John Mehrmann

About The Author
John Mehrmann is a freelance writer and President of Executive Blueprints Inc., an organization devoted to improving business practices and developing human capital. www.ExecutiveBlueprints.com provides resource materials for trainers, sample Case Studies, educational articles and references to local affiliates for consulting and executive coaching.

http://www.InstituteforAdvancedLeadership.com provides self-paced tutorials for personal development and tools for trainers. Presentation materials, reference guides and exercises are available for continuous development.

You may distribute this article freely, print it, sell it, or include it as part of a package as long as it is intact, unchanged and delivered in the original format with acknowledgement to Executive Blueprints Inc.

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