DoYell has launched a new search engine which caters to web-savvy searchers by ranking results based on what is important to the search audience. At first look, DoYell seems like any other search engine. But once you see how they allow for a preview of your search query, you begin to realize what we are trying to shoot for. DoYell is a new website that offers users information in an easily accessible format. The site claims to reduce confusion over what is an organic search result and what is an advertisement. For DoYell, the priority is to return quality search results. Unlike linear engines that simply prioritize the sources that pay for prime spots, this new engine ranks according to importance to users, not the bottom line. At the heart of DoYell is a matrix of 14 distinct kinds of searchable resources, accessible by entering a search term only once. Searchers can go from web search results to news headlines to shopping and other information resources all in a single click and see what is relevant.
‘Highlight & Search’ for example is a brilliant new feature that lets users move seamlessly between different searches. By just highlighting any interesting text in a result with your mouse and clicking another information resource you get a whole new set of search results for just that text without any additional typing.For example, “Web Search” for your favourite Movie and find 1000s of results based on popularity not payola, click “Movies” and find current and classic trailers, click “Quick Look” and watch one or all of those trailers on the same page without leaving your results, click “Blogs” and see what the web community is saying, or click on “Entertainment News” and get up to the minute updates. “Highlight and Search” for example is a feature that lets users move seamlessly between different searches. By just highlighting any interesting text in a result with your mouse and clicking another information resource you get a whole new set of search results for just that text without any additional typing. But it is not all just fun DoYell is also popular for all kinds of homework and research. Projects can be jump started using the sites “Dictionary/Reference” which offers definitions, a thesaurus, encyclopaedia, almanac, atlas and more. More in depth articles are available via a click on “Wikipedia” the web’s favorite online encyclopedia. And if you need some pics to bring life to your project then just click “Images”.
DoYell really shines both in the depth and breadth of search resources easily accessible through a single search engine, and a design that reflects the growing expectation of online users for attractive, clear, pleasing and easy to use pages. While the art and science of optimization proceeds as a way to get eyeballs onto pages using conventional search engines, the next generation of search engine has appeared at:
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Doyell New Search Engine
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5:15 AM
Search Engine Optimization Specialist Can Turn the Tide in your Favor
Search engine is that special source where you can optimize and even market your website. Who does not love recognition? It is the search engine optimization and marketing that brings recognition and fame to your website. Just think that if your website is well known, then you would get the business opportunities that you have been looking for. Moreover, some question may come up to your mind as to who will do this for you. It is the search engine optimization specialist who carries out the work of promoting your website on search engines and increasing its page rank. Page rank is related to the amount of hits and recognition you get in online business world.
A good search engine optimization specialist is the one who has a detailed knowledge on what methods need to be implemented and at what time. After all, he or she would be responsible for bringing traffic to your website and increasing your chances of business opportunities. There are a lot many things that a search engine optimization specialist would be carrying out for seeking better ways if doing business. First of all, an SEO specialist would take a note of what the site owner wants from him. Is it the web designing services or content development for the site or its conversion? There a lot many aspects to be handled by search engine optimization specialist.
Bidding on the keywords is another thing that Search Engine Optimization Specialist would be doing for the client. It is generally called pay per click management. PPC sees to it that the number of visitors to that particular site can be checked out. What a search engine optimization specialist would do is bid on the keywords that tend to bring traffic. The reason behind this is enhancing the availability of keyword that is being searched by visitors. As per the PPC management goes, your site should support the keyword that has the chances of giving knowledge to your visitors.
The work of the search engine optimization specialist is also to see that valuable and informative content is being placed on the site. It is the proper description of products and services that has the ability to convince clients and turn them into buyers. It is quite obvious that when you are not able to describe properly about your products and services to the clients, then you will not get the required amount of business. Well, it is the search engine optimization specialist that will help you in developing content needed by you and see to it that the content described your thoughts and ideas.
Search engine optimization specialist can be your best mate and assist you properly, if you are able to explain him or her about your requirements. All you can do is sit with him or her and explain what you want your site to look like or what type of content has to be placed or what sort of keywords would best describe about your products and services. Before hiring the services of search engine optimization specialist, you should take care that he is qualified and experienced enough to handle your work efficiently.
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5:13 AM
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Simple Web Development Strategies
When developing your website, make sure that it is developed in a way that puts your company in the best light. Make sure your website takes no longer than 5-6 seconds to load. Longer load times make the visitor impatient, they will surf elsewhere. Navigation should also be easy to find and use. The last thing you want is your customers to become frustrated with your website because they can't find what they're looking for. Visitor usability and the overall loading speed are two vital elements of web development.
Your website should be visually pleasing. Include graphics and appropriate images that match the overall theme of your website. When implementing graphics, be careful. Don't overdo it with too many flashy graphics, it will hinder your loading speed and take attention away from the main purpose of your website. Having an effective website doesn't take a ton of ingenuity, go for simple and friendly.
Give a reason for people to come to your website in the first place. Provide your visitors with the best content you can. Search engines will also reward your website with lots of targeted traffic if your website has good fresh quality content. If you have the time and know-how, write the content yourself. If you need help, it's relatively easy to find someone that's willing to ghostwrite for you online.
Your website pages should all have proper titles and meta tags. Both are considered important for the search engine optimization of your website, and properly set tags will help bring more people to your sites from the engine search results.
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5:10 AM
Friday, April 20, 2007
SEO Friendly Website Design
Designing is the base of search engine optimization and it plays a very big role in seo work for any site. The following steps must be considered during the design process for optimal search engine friendliness.
Here are some tips for designing an SEO friendly site:
1: Site must be user friendly and easy to navigate the inner pages and links.
2: Keep your navigation on the left side of your web pages. Our SEO experts at Vision Media explain, “Site navigation should be at the left side of the web page, so that search engine robots can easily crawl all site inner page links
3: Avoid using JavaScript, flash and frames on your web pages and navigation links. Generally search engine robots does not crawl JavaScript, flash and frames.
4: If you are using images in your site header, then try to split your image into several sections. It will help you put more keywords in alt tags here. It will also help you to save site load time.
5: Header tags are very important for SEO work, so always use header tags on your web pages. It will be great if you use the h1 tag as your web page heading and it should be kept relatively short. However, never use the h1 tag twice on one page.
Note: H1 tags should be kept in bold format and should include extra space below the heading text. This may be done in the CSS style sheet file of your website.
6: As you may have heard, “content is king” on the web, especially when it comes to seo, so the more the better. However, make sure you put the main keywords at the beginning of the page contents on all your information pages.
7: A VERY important point not considered by most web designers, is to avoid unnecessary coding in the webpage source code like and .
In our work, we have found an unusually high amount of unnecessary code though, and I guarantee that if you think your web pages do not have unnecessary code in them, you’re probably lying to yourself. This is largely due to the high number of websites built in Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive. These programs are notorious for inserting massive amounts of unnecessary code, making your web pages look very cluttered to search engine spiders. A good idea is to have one of our SEO experts examine your web pages for unnecessary code and make recommendations. They are among the best in the business. You’d be truly amazed at the impact it has on your site load time as well as your search engine rankings.
8: Lastly, try to avoid using too many tables on a web page, as overuse of tables is not good for seo purposes. A great alternative for using tables that web designers rarely consider is the use of div tags.
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7:01 AM
5 Steps To Optimizing Your Website For Google And Yahoo
The mere thought of SEO is enough to send most webmasters into a flutter. A good ranking in the search engines is a sure-fire way to make money from a website, yet it is not an easy task. But while the exact ranking algorithm used by top search engines is one of the world's best kept secrets there are some basic principals you should always keep in mind:
1. Site Design
The structure of your site is important because this is how search engines see how each page relates to another. When your site is spidered, the search engine will quickly be able to judge the relevance and quality of your site from the sitemap.
Creating a good site map involves naming pages using your top keywords, while at the same time ensuring you are giving it an accurate and succinct name. Keyword spamming has penalties! Google's sitemap is a good example at
2. Optimize for your audience, not for the search engine.
Search engines prefer sites on a specific subject because specialized information is more beneficial to search engine users. So, for example, your site would have a better chance of ranking highly if it was dedicated specifically to lamp shades rather than home furnishings or lighting in general. This is because someone searching for 'lamp shade' would be better satisfied with a website full of information specifically relating to lamp shades, rather than a general home furnishings site with only a paragraph or two dedicated to lamp shades.
Many sites have been successful by focusing solely on providing a website that meets the needs of their audience, rather than the needs of the search engines. If possible, survey your users to find out what they want out of the site and if they have any suggestions. The more you know about your audience, the better the design you'll be able to create. Make it easy for visitors to interact on the site and for you to answer their questions too.
3. Label your internal text links and image alt tags
Why? The main reason is that search engine spiders can't read images. Anything without text means nothing to the spider. Other benefits of labeling images include the ability for the image to be searchable in browsers such as Google Image search. Image text also enables visibly impaired visitors to use your site more effectively and it helps to generally improve the text content of your page for search purposes. An image label is just a clear description of the image using keywords. Just don't include too many keywords in the alt text as there are penalties for keyword stuffing!
4. Update your site regularly
Your site ranking will be enhanced if the search engine spiders can see it is being updated frequently. Aim to add new content at least once a week to create a living site. The more frequently Google has to come back to respider your site, the better you will rank. Pages that don't change will eventually be downgraded in favor of sites whose pages are fresher.
5. Link to Subject-related sites
Good quality backlinks are vital to SEO as these tell the search engine spiders that the site is popular and/or important. Backlinks are links that are directed to your website from another site. Thus, linking to relevant sites is a great way to increase your search engine ranking. If you can, try to implement circular linking, where the sites you link to also link to each other and back to you again. For example, you link to Site A and Site B, who both link back to you and also link to each other. The more clusters of links you can get like this, the more relevant your site will be deemed to be.
Did you realize that broken links can actually harm your search engine optimization? If you set up a link, and your linking partner pulls that link in 6 months time, your ranking could reduce. Thus it is critical to check your links regularly to ensure that you are being linked back to.
Search engine optimization is not something that can be done once and then left alone. It requires constant effort and attention. The best way to keep up to date with new SEO developments is to continue read commentary and recent articles by SEO experts.
In general, remember that the top websites are always the ones people want to use, such as the BBC, eBay, Apple, and NASA. If your main priority is creating the best website for your users, then you are on the right track.

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6:59 AM